Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Snow and 112 degree heat

I enjoyed reading City of Thieves. An engaging story set in WWII in Russia. Thus, Snow! Coldness! Great to read as we suffer through record-breaking heat!!!

Last night I finished Tigerlily's Orchids. It was slow to get into, but at the end I had a hard time putting it down! I do love British murder mysteries; even when the murder doesn't happen until 3/4 of the way through the book! :-)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Just started Bloodmoney a "novel of espionage" set in current times in Pakistan. It is an interesting view of what (may) be really going on over there... Also started Ethan Frome because (a) it is S's required summer reading; (b) I've never read it and (c) I'm a geek.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Wow, I'm a blogger.

Officially a blogger. Will anyone care? Will anyone read my entries? Do I care?

It's okay. I read so much, for work and then for enjoyment, that I thought something about my reading compulsion should be preserved for posterity.

I just saw a new read-along for Agatha Christie this summer. One needs a blog to participate, so that was the deciding factor, because I have enjoyed AG since 6th grade!

Finished reading "Pride and Prejudice" on Saturday; can you believe that Elizabeth ended up with Mr. Darcy again? LOL.

Also finished The Distant Hours by Kate Morton this week. It felt rather like a "Rebecca" for this century. But it was not predictable, and overall, I enjoyed it.